Meet Ignite Recipients!


Ethan Hagerty

The Ignite Scholarship Advisory Board would like to congratulate its inaugural recipient, Ethan Hagerty from Ecole Salish Secondary in Surrey. Ethan was one of thirty deserving candidates who applied for the Ignite Scholarship and one of six who was interviewed by the Advisory Board on June 15th. 

Ethan’s application was comprehensive and highlighted his 4.0 GPA alongside a passion for business and extensive volunteer involvement in the community. Ethan’s preparation for the interview greatly impressed the selection committee; he was a polished and earnest candidate who spoke directly to the impact that receiving this scholarship would have on his future. Additionally, Ethan presented a 90-day plan outlining how he intends to stay focused and achieve success during his first semester UBC’s Sauder School of Business. 

Throughout the interview process Ethan also demonstrated a clear understanding of the community-oriented nature of the Ignite Scholarship and clearly articulated how he planned to benefit from the mentorship and summer internship opportunities that the scholarship offers.

As a recipient of the Ignite Business Scholarship Ethan will receive full four-year paid tuition as well as ongoing mentorship and paid summer internships at several local businesses in the Fraser Valley.